/*globals requireJS*/
/*eslint-env node*/
* This class forwards function calls to the storage and in addition:
* - checks that input data is of correct format.
* - checks that users are authorized to access/change projects.
* - updates _users and _projects collections on delete/createProject.
* @module Server:SafeStorage
* @author pmeijer / https://github.com/pmeijer
'use strict';
var Q = require('q'),
REGEXP = requireJS('common/regexp'),
Storage = require('./storage'),
UserProject = require('./userproject');
function check(cond, deferred, msg) {
var rejected = false;
if (!cond) {
deferred.reject(new Error('Invalid argument, ' + msg));
rejected = true;
return rejected;
* @param database
* @param logger
* @param gmeConfig
* @param gmeAuth
* @constructor
function SafeStorage(database, logger, gmeConfig, gmeAuth) {
Storage.call(this, database, logger, gmeConfig);
this.metadataStorage = gmeAuth.metadataStorage;
this.authorizer = gmeAuth.authorizer;
// Inherit from Storage
SafeStorage.prototype = Object.create(Storage.prototype);
SafeStorage.prototype.constructor = SafeStorage;
* Returns and array of dictionaries for each project the user has at least read access to.
* If branches is set, the returned array will be filtered based on if the projects really do exist as
* collections on their own. If branches is not set, there is no guarantee that the returned projects
* really exist.
* Authorization level: read access for each returned project.
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {boolean} [data.info] - include the info field from the _projects collection.
* @param {boolean} [data.rights] - include users' authorization information for each project.
* @param {boolean} [data.branches] - include a dictionary with all branches and their hash.
* @param {boolean} [data.tags] - include a dictionary with all tags and their hash.
* @param {boolean} [data.hooks] - include the dictionary with all hooks.
* @param {string} [data.projectId] - if given will return only single matching project.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {Promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.getProjects = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT,
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.info === 'undefined' || typeof data.info === 'boolean', deferred,
'data.info is not a boolean.') ||
check(typeof data.rights === 'undefined' || typeof data.rights === 'boolean', deferred,
'data.rights is not a boolean.') ||
check(typeof data.branches === 'undefined' || typeof data.branches === 'boolean', deferred,
'data.branches is not a boolean.') ||
check(typeof data.hooks === 'undefined' || typeof data.hooks === 'boolean', deferred,
'data.hooks is not a boolean.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'undefined' || REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred,
'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
(data.projectId ? Q.all([this.metadataStorage.getProject(data.projectId)]) : this.metadataStorage.getProjects())
.then(function (allProjects) {
function getAuthorizedProjects(projectData) {
var projectDeferred = Q.defer();
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, projectData._id, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (accessRights) {
if (accessRights && accessRights.read === true) {
if (data.rights === true) {
projectData.rights = accessRights;
if (!data.info) {
delete projectData.info;
if (!data.hooks) {
delete projectData.hooks;
} else {
return projectDeferred.promise;
return Q.all(allProjects.map(getAuthorizedProjects));
.then(async function (projects) {
const result = [];
for (const project of projects) {
try {
if (!project) {
if (data.branches === true) {
project.branches = await Storage.prototype.getBranches.call(self, {projectId: project._id});
if (data.tags === true) {
project.tags = await Storage.prototype.getTags.call(self, {projectId: project._id});
} catch (err) {
if (err.message.indexOf('Project does not exist') > -1) {
self.logger.error('Inconsistency: project exists in user "' + data.username +
'" and in _projects, but not as a collection on its own: ', project._id);
// Proceed with other projects..
} else {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Deletes a project from the _projects collection, deletes the collection for the the project and removes
* the rights from all users.
* Authorization level: delete access for project
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {Promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.deleteProject = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT,
rejected = false,
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
this.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.delete) {
return Storage.prototype.deleteProject.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to delete project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (didExist_) {
didExist = didExist_;
return self.authorizer.setAccessRights(true, data.projectId,
{read: false, write: false, delete: false}, projectAuthParams);
.then(function () {
return self.metadataStorage.deleteProject(data.projectId);
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Creates a project and assigns a projectId by concatenating the username and the provided project name.
* The user with the given username becomes the owner of the project.
* Authorization level: canCreate
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectName - name of new project.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {string} [data.ownerId=data.username]
* @param {string} [data.kind] - Category of project typically based on meta.
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.createProject = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
userAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.USER
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(data.kind === null || typeof data.kind === 'undefined' || typeof data.kind === 'string', deferred,
'data.kind is not a string: ' + data.kind) ||
check(typeof data.projectName === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT_NAME.test(data.projectName), deferred,
'data.projectName failed regexp: ' + data.projectName);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (data.ownerId) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.ownerId === 'string', deferred, 'data.ownerId is not a string.');
} else {
data.ownerId = data.username;
if (rejected === false) {
this.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.ownerId, userAuthParams)
.then(function (ownerRights) {
var now = (new Date()).toISOString(),
info = {
createdAt: now,
viewedAt: now,
modifiedAt: now,
creator: data.username,
viewer: data.username,
modifier: data.username,
kind: data.kind
if (ownerRights.write !== true) {
throw new Error('Not authorized to create new project for [' + data.ownerId + ']');
return self.metadataStorage.addProject(data.ownerId, data.projectName, info);
.then(function (projectId) {
data.projectId = projectId;
return self.authorizer.setAccessRights(data.ownerId, projectId, {
read: true,
write: true,
delete: true
}, projectAuthParams);
.then(function () {
// Add the default projectHooks
var hookIds = Object.keys(self.gmeConfig.webhooks.defaults),
cnt = hookIds.length;
function addHooks() {
var hookData;
if (cnt === 0) {
} else {
cnt -= 1;
hookData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(self.gmeConfig.webhooks.defaults[hookIds[cnt]]));
if (typeof hookData.url === 'string') {
delete hookData.options;
return self.metadataStorage.addProjectHook(data.projectId, hookIds[cnt], hookData)
.then(function () {
return addHooks();
} else {
self.logger.debug('Url not specified in default hook - will not add it to new project.');
return addHooks();
return addHooks();
.then(function () {
return Storage.prototype.createProject.call(self, data);
.then(function (dbProject) {
var project = new UserProject(dbProject, self, self.logger, self.gmeConfig);
.catch(function (err) {
// TODO: Clean up appropriately when failure to add to model, user or projects database.
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization level: canCreate and delete access for project
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.transferProject = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
userAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.USER
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.newOwnerId === 'string', deferred, 'data.newOwnerId is not a string.');
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.delete) {
return self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.newOwnerId, userAuthParams);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to delete project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (ownerRights) {
if (ownerRights && ownerRights.write !== true) {
throw new Error('Not authorized to transfer project to [' + data.newOwnerId + ']');
// Remove old and add new metadata for the project.
return self.metadataStorage.transferProject(data.projectId, data.newOwnerId);
.then(function (newProjectId) {
// Rename the project collection.
data.newProjectId = newProjectId;
return Storage.prototype.renameProject.call(self, data);
.then(function () {
// Remove all previous project access rights.
self.authorizer.setAccessRights(true, data.projectId, {
read: false,
write: false,
delete: false
}, projectAuthParams);
.then(function () {
// Add full project access rights to the new owner.
return self.authorizer.setAccessRights(data.newOwnerId, data.newProjectId, {
read: true,
write: true,
delete: true
}, projectAuthParams);
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Duplicates a project including all data-objects, commits, branches etc.
* Authorization level: canCreate and read access for project
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - id of existing project that will be duplicated.
* @param {string} data.projectName - name of new project.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {string} [data.ownerId=data.username]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.duplicateProject = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
userAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.USER
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.projectName === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT_NAME.test(data.projectName), deferred,
'data.projectName failed regexp: ' + data.projectName);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (data.ownerId) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.ownerId === 'string', deferred, 'data.ownerId is not a string.');
} else {
data.ownerId = data.username;
if (self.gmeConfig.seedProjects.allowDuplication === false) {
deferred.reject(new Error('gmeConfig.seedProjects.allowDuplication is set to false'));
rejected = true;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Q.all([
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.ownerId, userAuthParams),
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (res) {
var ownerRights = res[0],
prevProjectData = res[1],
now = (new Date()).toISOString(),
info = {
createdAt: now,
viewedAt: now,
modifiedAt: now,
creator: data.username,
viewer: data.username,
modifier: data.username,
kind: prevProjectData.info.kind
if (ownerRights && ownerRights.write !== true) {
throw new Error('Not authorized to create project for [' + data.ownerId + ']');
return self.metadataStorage.duplicateProject(data.projectId, data.ownerId, data.projectName, info);
.then(function (newProjectId) {
data.newProjectId = newProjectId;
return self.authorizer.setAccessRights(data.ownerId, newProjectId, {
read: true,
write: true,
delete: true
}, projectAuthParams);
.then(function () {
return Storage.prototype.duplicateProject.call(self, data);
.then(function (dbProject) {
var project = new UserProject(dbProject, self, self.logger, self.gmeConfig);
.catch(function (err) {
// TODO: Clean up appropriately when failure to add to model, user or projects database.
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Returns a dictionary with all the branches and their hashes within a project.
* Example: {
* master: '#someHash',
* b1: '#someOtherHash'
* }
* Authorization level: read access for project
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.getBranches = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.getBranches.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Returns an array of commits for a project ordered by their timestamp.
* Authorization level: read access for project
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {number} data.number - maximum number of commits to load.
* @param {number|string} data.before - timestamp or commitHash to load history from. When number given it will load
* data.number of commits strictly before data.before, when commitHash is given it will return that commit too.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.getCommits = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.before === 'number' || typeof data.before === 'string', deferred,
'data.before is not a number nor string') ||
check(typeof data.number === 'number', deferred, 'data.number is not a number');
if (typeof data.before === 'string') {
rejected = rejected || check(REGEXP.HASH.test(data.before), deferred,
'data.before is not a number nor a valid hash.');
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.getCommits.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Returns an array of commits starting from either a branch(es) or commitHash(es).
* They are ordered by the rules (applied in order)
* 1. Descendants are always before their ancestors
* 2. By their timestamp
* Authorization level: read access for project
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {number} data.number - maximum number of commits to load.
* @param {string|string[]} data.start - BranchName or commitHash, or an array of such.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.getHistory = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.start === 'string' || (typeof data.start === 'object' && data.start instanceof Array),
deferred, 'data.start is not a string or array') ||
check(typeof data.number === 'number', deferred, 'data.number is not a number');
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.getHistory.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Returns the latest commit data for a branch within the project. (This is the same data that is provided during
* a BRANCH_UPDATE event.)
* Example: {
* projectId: 'guest+TestProject',
* branchName: 'master',
* commitObject: {
* _id: '#someCommitHash',
* root: '#someNodeHash',
* parents: ['#someOtherCommitHash'],
* update: ['guest'],
* time: 1430169614741,
* message: 'createChild(/1/2)',
* type: 'commit'
* },
* coreObject: [{coreObj}, ..., {coreObj}],
* }
* Authorization level: read access for project
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {string} data.branchName - name of the branch.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.getLatestCommitData = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.branchName === 'string', deferred, 'data.branchName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.BRANCH.test(data.branchName), deferred, 'data.branchName failed regexp: ' + data.branchName);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.getLatestCommitData.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: write access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.makeCommit = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(data.commitObject !== null && typeof data.commitObject === 'object', deferred,
'data.commitObject not an object.') ||
check(data.coreObjects !== null && typeof data.coreObjects === 'object', deferred,
'data.coreObjects not an object.');
// Checks when branchName is given and the branch will be updated
if (rejected === false && typeof data.branchName !== 'undefined') {
rejected = check(typeof data.branchName === 'string', deferred, 'data.branchName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.BRANCH.test(data.branchName), deferred, 'data.branchName failed regexp: ' + data.branchName) ||
check(typeof data.commitObject._id === 'string', deferred, 'data.commitObject._id is not a string.') ||
check(typeof data.commitObject.root === 'string', deferred, 'data.commitObject.root is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.HASH.test(data.commitObject._id), deferred,
'data.commitObject._id is not a valid hash: ' + data.commitObject._id) ||
check(data.commitObject.parents instanceof Array, deferred,
'data.commitObject.parents is not an array.') ||
check(data.commitObject.parents.length === 0 || typeof data.commitObject.parents[0] === 'string', deferred,
'data.commitObject.parents[0] is not a string.') ||
data.commitObject.parents.length === 0 || data.commitObject.parents[0] === '' ||
REGEXP.HASH.test(data.commitObject.parents[0]), deferred,
'data.commitObject.parents[0] is not a valid hash: ' + data.commitObject.parents[0]) ||
check(REGEXP.HASH.test(data.commitObject.root), deferred,
'data.commitObject.root is not a valid hash: ' + data.commitObject.root);
// Commits without coreObjects is valid now (the assumption is that the rootObject does exist.
//check(typeof data.coreObjects[data.commitObject.root] === 'object', deferred,
// 'data.coreObjects[data.commitObject.root] is not an object');
if (typeof data.oldHash === 'string') {
// Provide the possibility to refer to an oldHash explicitly rather than from the commitObj,
// the is needed when e.g. undoing/redoing.
check(data.oldHash === '' || REGEXP.HASH.test(data.oldHash), deferred,
'data.oldHash is not a valid hash: ' + data.oldHash);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.write) {
return Storage.prototype.makeCommit.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to write project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: write access for data.projectId
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {string} data.fromCommit - starting point of the squash.
* @param {string} data.toCommitOrBranch - branch or commit where the endpoint of squash can be found.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.squashCommits = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.fromCommit === 'string', deferred,
'data.fromCommit not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.HASH.test(data.fromCommit), deferred, 'data.fromCommit failed regexp: ' + data.fromCommit) ||
check(typeof data.toCommitOrBranch === 'string', deferred,
'data.toCommitOrBranch not a string.');
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.write) {
return Storage.prototype.squashCommits.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to write project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: read access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.getBranchHash = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.branchName === 'string', deferred, 'data.branchName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.BRANCH.test(data.branchName), deferred, 'data.branchName failed regexp: ' + data.branchName);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.getBranchHash.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: write access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.setBranchHash = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.branchName === 'string', deferred, 'data.branchName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.BRANCH.test(data.branchName), deferred, 'data.branchName failed regexp: ' + data.branchName) ||
check(typeof data.oldHash === 'string', deferred, 'data.oldHash is not a string.') ||
check(data.oldHash === '' || REGEXP.HASH.test(data.oldHash), deferred,
'data.oldHash is not a valid hash: ' + data.oldHash) ||
check(typeof data.newHash === 'string', deferred, 'data.newHash is not a string.') ||
check(data.newHash === '' || REGEXP.HASH.test(data.newHash), deferred,
'data.newHash is not a valid hash: ' + data.newHash);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.write) {
return Storage.prototype.setBranchHash.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to write project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: read access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.getCommonAncestorCommit = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.commitA === 'string', deferred, 'data.commitA is not a string.') ||
check(data.commitA === '' || REGEXP.HASH.test(data.commitA), deferred,
'data.commitA is not a valid hash: ' + data.commitA) ||
check(typeof data.commitB === 'string', deferred, 'data.commitB is not a string.') ||
check(data.commitB === '' || REGEXP.HASH.test(data.commitB), deferred,
'data.commitB is not a valid hash: ' + data.commitB);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.getCommonAncestorCommit.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (commonHash) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: write access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.createBranch = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.branchName === 'string', deferred, 'data.branchName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.BRANCH.test(data.branchName), deferred, 'data.branchName failed regexp: ' + data.branchName) ||
check(typeof data.hash === 'string', deferred, 'data.hash is not a string.') ||
check(data.hash === '' || REGEXP.HASH.test(data.hash), deferred,
'data.hash is not a valid hash: ' + data.hash);
data.oldHash = '';
data.newHash = data.hash;
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.write) {
return Storage.prototype.setBranchHash.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to write project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: write access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.deleteBranch = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.branchName === 'string', deferred, 'data.branchName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.BRANCH.test(data.branchName), deferred, 'data.branchName failed regexp: ' + data.branchName);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.write) {
return Storage.prototype.getBranchHash.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to write project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (branchHash) {
data.oldHash = branchHash;
data.newHash = '';
return Storage.prototype.setBranchHash.call(self, data);
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: write access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.createTag = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
if (!Object.hasOwn(data, 'commitHash') && Object.hasOwn(data, 'hash')) {
data.commitHash = data.hash;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.tagName === 'string', deferred, 'data.tagName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.TAG.test(data.tagName), deferred, 'data.tagName failed regexp: ' + data.tagName) ||
check(typeof data.commitHash === 'string', deferred, 'data.commitHash is not a string.') ||
check(data.commitHash === '' || REGEXP.HASH.test(data.commitHash), deferred,
'data.commitHash is not a valid hash: ' + data.commitHash);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.write) {
return Storage.prototype.createTag.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to write project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: delete access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.deleteTag = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.tagName === 'string', deferred, 'data.tagName is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.TAG.test(data.tagName), deferred, 'data.tagName failed regexp: ' + data.tagName);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.delete) {
return Storage.prototype.deleteTag.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to delete from project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function () {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Returns a dictionary with all the tags and their commitHashes within a project.
* Example: {
* tag1: '#someHash',
* taggen: '#someOtherHash'
* }
* Authorization level: read access for project
* @param {object} data - input parameters
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.getTags = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.getTags.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (result) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: read access
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.openProject = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
.then(function (dbProject) {
userProject = new UserProject(dbProject, self, self.logger, self.gmeConfig);
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: read access
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype._getProject = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId);
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.openProject.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (dbProject) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Authorization: TODO: read access for data.projectId
* @param data
* @param callback
* @returns {*}
SafeStorage.prototype.loadObjects = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(data.hashes instanceof Array, deferred, 'data.hashes is not an array: ' + JSON.stringify(data.hashes));
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
self.logger.debug('loadObjects', {metadata: data});
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.loadObjects.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (project) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Returns a dictionary with all the hashes needed to load the containment of the input paths.
* Authorization level: read access for data.projectId
* @param {object} data - input parameters.
* @param {string} data.projectId - identifier for project.
* @param {string} [data.username=gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount]
* @param {object[]} data.pathsInfo - list of objects with parentHash and path.
* @param {string[]} [data.excludes] - list of known object hashes that should not be returned.
* @param {boolean} [data.excludeParents] - if true will only return the data for the node at the path.
* @param {function} [callback]
* @returns {promise} //TODO: jsdocify this
SafeStorage.prototype.loadPaths = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
projectAuthParams = {
entityType: self.authorizer.ENTITY_TYPES.PROJECT
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(data.pathsInfo instanceof Array, deferred,
'data.pathsInfo is not an array: ' + JSON.stringify(data.hashes));
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
self.logger.debug('loadPaths', {metadata: data});
if (rejected === false) {
self.authorizer.getAccessRights(data.username, data.projectId, projectAuthParams)
.then(function (projectAccess) {
if (projectAccess && projectAccess.read) {
return Storage.prototype.loadPaths.call(self, data);
} else {
throw new Error('Not authorized to read project [' + data.projectId + ']');
.then(function (project) {
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
SafeStorage.prototype.traverse = function (data, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this,
rejected = false;
rejected = check(data !== null && typeof data === 'object', deferred, 'data is not an object.') ||
check(typeof data.projectId === 'string', deferred, 'data.projectId is not a string.') ||
check(REGEXP.PROJECT.test(data.projectId), deferred, 'data.projectId failed regexp: ' + data.projectId) ||
check(typeof data.visitFn === 'function', deferred,
'data.visitFn is not a function');
if (Object.hasOwn(data, 'username')) {
rejected = rejected || check(typeof data.username === 'string', deferred, 'data.username is not a string.');
} else {
data.username = this.gmeConfig.authentication.guestAccount;
self.logger.debug('traverse', {metadata: data});
if (rejected === false) {
return Storage.prototype.traverse.call(self, data);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
module.exports = SafeStorage;