/*globals requireJS, module*/
'use strict';
const CONSTANTS = requireJS('common/storage/constants');
function __connectUserToRouter(router, socketId, handles) {
router._handles[socketId] = handles;
/** Class for individual users connected via websocket to the websocket router. */
class WebsocketRouterUser {
* Create a WebsocketRouterUser (normally called automatically as a response to a connect event).
* @param {object} socket - The socket that just joined the router specific room (connected).
* @param {object} router - The router where the user was connecting.
constructor(socket, router) {
this._socket = socket;
this._id = socket.id;
this.userId = socket.userId;
this._router = router;
const handleObject = {};
handleObject[CONSTANTS.WEBSOCKET_ROUTER_MESSAGE_TYPES.MESSAGE] = (payload, callback) => {
this._msgHandle(payload, callback);
this._discHandle(payload, callback);
__connectUserToRouter(this._router, this._id, handleObject);
* Sends a message to the connected users.
* @param {object} payload - The content object of the message (has to be stringifiable!).
send(payload) {
this._socket.emit('websocketRouterMessage', {
routerId: this._router.getRouterId(),
payload: payload,
* Forcefully disconnects the connected users (notification will be sent).
* @param {Error} error - The error that describes the reason for disconnect.
disconnect(err) {
this._socket.emit('websocketRouterMessage', {
routerId: this._router.getRouterId(),
payload: err.message,
* Sets the message handle of the user.
* @param {function} handleFn - The function that will be called once the user send a message.
onMessage(handleFn) {
this._msgHandle = handleFn;
* Sets the disconnect handle of the user.
* @param {function} handleFn - The function that will be called once the user disconnects from the service.
onDisconnect(handleFn) {
this._discHandle = handleFn;
/** Class for websocket funcionalities associated with routers. */
class WebsocketRouter {
* Create a WebsocketRouter.
* @param {object} websocket - The websocket server that the router will be attahced to.
* @param {string} routerId - The id of the router 'usually its name'.
* Had to be known by the client user to be able to sucessfully connect.
constructor(websocket, routerId) {
this._routerId = routerId;
this._sockets = {};
this._handles = {};
this._onConnectHandle = (user, callback) => {callback(null);};
const handleObject = {};
handleObject[CONSTANTS.WEBSOCKET_ROUTER_MESSAGE_TYPES.CONNECT] = (socket, callback) => {
this._sockets[socket.id] = socket;
const user = new WebsocketRouterUser(socket, this);
this._onConnectHandle(user, callback);
handleObject[CONSTANTS.WEBSOCKET_ROUTER_MESSAGE_TYPES.DISCONNECT] = (socketId, payload, callback) => {
// user initiated disconnect
this._handles[socketId][CONSTANTS.WEBSOCKET_ROUTER_MESSAGE_TYPES.DISCONNECT](payload, callback);
delete this._handles[socketId];
delete this._sockets[socketId];
handleObject[CONSTANTS.WEBSOCKET_ROUTER_MESSAGE_TYPES.MESSAGE] = (socketId, payload, callback) => {
this._handles[socketId][CONSTANTS.WEBSOCKET_ROUTER_MESSAGE_TYPES.MESSAGE](payload, callback);
this._ws = websocket.handleWebsocketRouterMessages(routerId, handleObject);
* Sets the event handling function of user connect.
* @param {function} handleFn - The function that needs to be called when a user connects.
* The function should handle two arguments. The first will be a WebsocketRouterUser object,
* while the second is a callback (highlighting with an error object if we accept the connection).
onConnect(handleFn) {
this._onConnectHandle = handleFn;
* Broadcasts a message to all connected users.
* @param {object} payload - The content object of the message (has to be stringifiable!).
send(payload) {
this._ws.to(this._id).emit('websocketRouterMessage', {
routerId: this._routerId,
payload: payload,
* Forcefully disconnects all connected users (they got a notification).
* @param {Error} error - The error that describes the reason for disconnect.
disconnect(error) {
this._ws.to(this._id).emit('websocketRouterMessage', {
routerId: this._routerId,
payload: error.message,
Object.keys(this._sockets).forEach(socketId => {
this._sockets = {};
this._handles = {};
* Returns the websocket room id.
* @return {string} The full id of the websocket room that is used
* to separate users of this router.
getRoomId() {
return this._id;
* Returns the websocket router id.
* @return {string} The router id of the router.
getRouterId() {
return this._routerId;
module.exports = WebsocketRouter;