/*globals define, requirejs*/
/*eslint-env node, browser*/
* This is the base class that plugins should inherit from.
* (Using the PluginGenerator - the generated plugin will do that.)
* @author lattmann / https://github.com/lattmann
* @author pmeijer / https://github.com/pmeijer
(function (factory) {
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
], factory);
} else if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {
module.exports = factory(
}(function (Q,
'use strict';
* Initializes a new instance of a plugin object, which should be a derived class.
* @constructor
* @alias PluginBase
function PluginBase() {
// set by initialize
* @type {PluginMetadata}
this.pluginMetadata = null;
* @type {GmeConfig}
this.gmeConfig = null;
* @type {GmeLogger}
this.logger = null;
* @type {BlobClient}
this.blobClient = null;
this._currentConfig = null;
// set by configure
* @type {Core}
this.core = null;
* @type {ProjectInterface}
this.project = null;
this.projectName = null;
this.projectId = null;
this.branchName = null;
this.branchHash = null;
this.commitHash = null;
this.currentHash = null;
* @type {module:Core~Node}
this.rootNode = null;
* @type {module:Core~Node}
this.activeNode = null;
* @type {module:Core~Node[]}
this.activeSelection = [];
* The namespace the META nodes are coming from (set by invoker).
* The default is the full meta, i.e. the empty string namespace.
* For example, if a project has a library A with a library B. The possible namespaces are:
* '', 'A' and 'A.B'.
* @type {string}
this.namespace = '';
* The resolved META nodes based on the active namespace. Index by the fully qualified meta node names
* with the namespace stripped off at the start.
* For example, if a project has a library A with a library B. If the project and the libraries all have
* two meta nodes named a and b. Depending on the namespace the META will have the following keys:
* 1) namespace = '' -> ['a', 'b', 'A.a', 'A.b', 'A.B.a', 'A.B.b']
* 2) namespace = 'A' -> ['a', 'b', 'B.a', 'B.b']
* 3) namespace = 'A.B' -> ['a', 'b']
* (N.B. 'a' and 'b' in example 3) are pointing to the meta nodes defined in A.B.)
* @type {Object<string, module:Core~Node>}
this.META = null;
* @type {PluginResultBase}
this.result = null;
this.isConfigured = false;
this.callDepth = 0;
this.notificationHandlers = [];
this.invokedPlugins = [];
//<editor-fold desc="Methods must be overridden by the derived classes">
* Main function for the plugin to execute. This will perform the execution.
* Notes:
* <br>- Do NOT use console.log use this.logger.[error,warning,info,debug] instead.
* <br>- Do NOT put any user interaction logic UI, etc. inside this function.
* <br>- callback always have to be called even if error happened.
* @param {function} callback - the result callback
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call
* @param {PluginResult} callback.result - plugin result
PluginBase.prototype.main = function (/*callback*/) {
throw new Error('implement this function in the derived class');
* Readable name of this plugin that can contain spaces.
* @returns {string}
PluginBase.prototype.getId = function () {
if (this.pluginMetadata) {
return this.pluginMetadata.id;
} else {
throw new Error('pluginMetadata is not defined - implement this function in the derived class');
* Readable name of this plugin that can contain spaces.
* @returns {string}
PluginBase.prototype.getName = function () {
if (this.pluginMetadata) {
return this.pluginMetadata.name;
} else {
throw new Error('pluginMetadata is not defined - implement this function in the derived class');
//<editor-fold desc="Methods could be overridden by the derived classes">
* Current version of this plugin using semantic versioning.
* @returns {string}
PluginBase.prototype.getVersion = function () {
return this.pluginMetadata ? this.pluginMetadata.version : '0.1.0';
* A detailed description of this plugin and its purpose. It can be one or more sentences.
* @returns {string}
PluginBase.prototype.getDescription = function () {
return this.pluginMetadata ? this.pluginMetadata.description : '';
* Configuration structure with names, descriptions, minimum, maximum values, default values and
* type definitions.
* Example:
* [{
* "name": "logChildrenNames",
* "displayName": "Log Children Names",
* "description": '',
* "value": true, // this is the 'default config'
* "valueType": "boolean",
* "readOnly": false
* },{
* "name": "logLevel",
* "displayName": "Logger level",
* "description": '',
* "value": "info",
* "valueType": "string",
* "valueItems": [
* "debug",
* "info",
* "warn",
* "error"
* ],
* "readOnly": false
* },{
* "name": "maxChildrenToLog",
* "displayName": "Maximum children to log",
* "description": 'Set this parameter to blabla',
* "value": 4,
* "minValue": 1,
* "valueType": "number",
* "readOnly": false
* }]
* @returns {object[]}
PluginBase.prototype.getConfigStructure = function () {
return this.pluginMetadata ? this.pluginMetadata.configStructure : [];
//<editor-fold desc="Methods that can be used by the derived classes">
* Updates the current success flag with a new value.
* NewValue = OldValue && Value
* @param {boolean} value - apply this flag on current success value
* @param {string|null} message - optional detailed message
PluginBase.prototype.updateSuccess = function (value, message) {
var prevSuccess = this.result.getSuccess();
var newSuccessValue = prevSuccess && value;
var msg = '';
if (message) {
msg = ' - ' + message;
this.logger.debug('Success was updated from ' + prevSuccess + ' to ' + newSuccessValue + msg);
* WebGME can export the META types as path and this method updates the generated domain specific types with
* webgme node objects. These can be used to define the base class of new objects created through the webgme API.
* @param {object} generatedMETA
PluginBase.prototype.updateMETA = function (generatedMETA) {
var name;
for (name in this.META) {
if (Object.hasOwn(this.META, name)) {
generatedMETA[name] = this.META[name];
// TODO: check if names are not the same
// TODO: log if META is out of date
* Checks if the given node is of the given meta-type.
* Usage: <tt>self.isMetaTypeOf(aNode, self.META['FCO']);</tt>
* @param {module:Core~Node} node - Node to be checked for type.
* @param {module:Core~Node} metaNode - Node object defining the meta type.
* @returns {boolean} - True if the given object was of the META type.
PluginBase.prototype.isMetaTypeOf = function (node, metaNode) {
if (metaNode) {
return this.core.isTypeOf(node, metaNode);
return false;
* Finds and returns the node object defining the meta type for the given node.
* @param {module:Core~Node} node - Node to be checked for type.
* @returns {module:Core~Node} - Node object defining the meta type of node.
PluginBase.prototype.getMetaType = function (node) {
return this.core.getMetaType(node);
* Returns true if node is a direct instance of a meta-type node (or a meta-type node itself).
* @param {module:Core~Node} node - Node to be checked.
* @returns {boolean}
PluginBase.prototype.baseIsMeta = function (node) {
var self = this,
baseNode = self.core.getBase(node);
if (!baseNode) {
// FCO does not have a base node, by definition function returns true.
return true;
baseName = self.core.getAttribute(baseNode, 'name');
namespace = self.core.getNamespace(baseNode).substr(self.namespace.length);
if (namespace) {
baseName = namespace + '.' + baseName;
return Object.hasOwn(self.META, baseName) &&
self.core.getGuid(self.META[baseName]) === self.core.getGuid(baseNode);
* Gets the current configuration of the plugin that was set by the user and plugin manager.
* @returns {PluginConfig}
PluginBase.prototype.getCurrentConfig = function () {
return this._currentConfig;
* Creates a new message for the user and adds it to the result.
* @param {module:Core~Node|object} node - webgme object which is related to the message
* @param {string} message - feedback to the user
* @param {string} severity - severity level of the message: 'debug', 'info' (default), 'warning', 'error'.
PluginBase.prototype.createMessage = function (node, message, severity) {
var severityLevel = severity || 'info';
var descriptor = new PluginNodeDescription({
name: node ? this.core.getAttribute(node, 'name') : '',
id: node ? this.core.getPath(node) : ''
var pluginMessage = new PluginMessage({
commitHash: this.currentHash,
activeNode: descriptor,
message: message,
severity: severityLevel
* Sends a notification back to the invoker of the plugin, can be used to notify about progress.
* @param {string|object} message - Message string or object containing message.
* @param {string} message.message - If object it must contain a message.
* @param {number} [message.progress] - Approximate progress (in %) of the plugin at time of sending.
* @param {string} [message.severity='info'] - Severity level ('success', 'info', 'warn', 'error')
* @param {boolean} [message.toBranch=false] - If true, and the plugin is running on the server on a branch -
* will broadcast to all sockets in the branch room.
* @param {function(Error)} [callback] - optional callback invoked when message has been emitted from server.
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call
PluginBase.prototype.sendNotification = function (message, callback) {
var self = this,
cnt = self.notificationHandlers.length,
notification = {},
data = {
notification: notification,
projectId: self.projectId,
branchName: self.branchName,
pluginName: self.getName(),
pluginId: self.getId(),
pluginVersion: self.getVersion()
if (typeof message === 'string') {
notification.message = message;
notification.severity = notification.severity || 'info';
} else {
data.notification = message;
callback = callback || function (err) {
if (err) {
function emitToHandlers() {
if (cnt === 0) {
cnt -= 1;
self.notificationHandlers[cnt](data, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
* Saves all current changes if there is any to a new commit.
* If the commit result is either 'FORKED' or 'CANCELED', it creates a new branch.
* N.B. This is a utility function for saving/persisting data. The plugin has access to the project and core
* instances and may persist and make the commit as define its own behavior for e.g. 'FORKED' commits.
* To report the commits in the PluginResult make sure to invoke this.addCommitToResult with the given status.
* @param {string|null} message - commit message
* @param {function} [callback] - the result callback
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call
* @param {module:Storage~CommitResult} callback.commitResult - status of the commit made
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise
PluginBase.prototype.save = function (message, callback) {
var self = this,
commitMessage = '[Plugin] ' + self.getName() + ' (v' + self.getVersion() + ') updated the model.';
commitMessage = message ? commitMessage + ' - ' + message : commitMessage;
if (this.callDepth > 0) {
self.logger.debug('Call-depth is greater than zero, will not persist "', this.callDepth, '"');
return Q.resolve({
hash: self.currentHash,
// TODO: Do we need a status? Which one? SYNCED so it can proceed?
self.logger.debug('Saving project');
persisted = self.core.persist(self.rootNode);
if (Object.keys(persisted.objects).length === 0) {
self.logger.debug('save invoked with no changes, will still proceed');
return self.project.makeCommit(self.branchName,
.then(function (commitResult) {
if (commitResult.status === STORAGE_CONSTANTS.SYNCED) {
self.currentHash = commitResult.hash;
self.logger.debug('"' + self.branchName + '" was updated to the new commit.');
return commitResult;
} else if (commitResult.status === STORAGE_CONSTANTS.FORKED) {
self.currentHash = commitResult.hash;
return self._createFork();
} else if (commitResult.status === STORAGE_CONSTANTS.CANCELED) {
// Plugin running in the browser and the client has made changes since plugin was invoked.
// Since the commitData was never sent to the server, a commit w/o branch is made before forking.
return self.project.makeCommit(null,
.then(function (commitResult) {
self.currentHash = commitResult.hash; // This is needed in case hash is randomly generated.
return self._createFork();
} else if (commitResult.status === STORAGE_CONSTANTS.MERGED) {
self.currentHash = commitResult.mergeHash;
// N.B. If the plugin makes multiple saves, it should fast-forward after a merged commit.
// Otherwise each new commit will have to be merge as well.
return commitResult;
} else if (!self.branchName) {
self.currentHash = commitResult.hash;
return commitResult;
} else {
throw new Error('setBranchHash returned unexpected status' + commitResult.status);
PluginBase.prototype._createFork = function (callback) {
// User can set self.forkName, but must make sure it is unique.
var self = this,
oldBranchName = self.branchName,
forkName = self.forkName || self.branchName + '_' + Date.now();
self.logger.warn('Plugin got forked from "' + self.branchName + '". ' +
'Trying to create a new branch "' + forkName + '".');
return self.project.createBranch(forkName, self.currentHash)
.then(function (forkResult) {
if (forkResult.status === STORAGE_CONSTANTS.SYNCED) {
self.branchName = forkName;
self.logger.debug('"' + self.branchName + '" was updated to the new commit.' +
'(Successive saves will try to save to this new branch.)');
return {status: STORAGE_CONSTANTS.FORKED, forkName: forkName, hash: forkResult.hash};
} else if (forkResult.status === STORAGE_CONSTANTS.FORKED) {
self.branchName = null;
throw new Error('Plugin got forked from "' + oldBranchName + '". ' +
'And got forked from "' + forkName + '" too.');
} else {
throw new Error('createBranch returned unexpected status' + forkResult.status);
* If plugin is started from a branch - it will reload the instance's nodes and update the currentHash to
* the current hash of the branch.
* N.B. Use this with caution, for instance manually referenced nodes in a plugin will still be part of the
* previous commit. Additionally if the namespaces have changed between commits - the this.META might end up
* being empty.
* @param {function} [callback] - the result callback
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call
* @param {boolean} callback.didUpdate - true if there was a change and it updated the state to it
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise
PluginBase.prototype.fastForward = function (callback) {
var self = this,
if (this.callDepth > 0) {
self.logger.warn('callDepth is greater than zero, will not fast-forward "', this.callDepth, '"');
return Q.resolve(false).nodeify(callback);
return self.project.getBranchHash(self.branchName)
.then(function (branchHash) {
if (branchHash === '') {
throw new Error('Branch does not exist [' + self.branchName + ']');
} else if (branchHash === self.currentHash) {
return false;
} else {
options = {
activeNode: self.core.getPath(self.activeNode),
activeSelection: self.activeSelection.forEach(function (node) {
return self.core.getPath(node);
namespace: self.namespace
return pluginUtil.loadNodesAtCommitHash(
.then(function (result) {
var didUpdate;
if (result === false) {
didUpdate = false;
} else {
self.currentHash = result.commitHash;
self.rootNode = result.rootNode;
self.activeNode = result.activeNode;
self.activeSelection = result.activeSelection;
self.META = result.META;
didUpdate = true;
return didUpdate;
* Adds the commit to the results. N.B. if you're using your own save method - make sure to update
* this.currentHash and this.branchName accordingly before adding the commit.
* @param {string} status - Status of the commit 'SYNCED', 'FORKED', 'CANCELED', null.
PluginBase.prototype.addCommitToResult = function (status) {
var newCommit = {
commitHash: this.currentHash,
branchName: this.branchName,
status: status
this.logger.debug('newCommit added', newCommit);
* Checks if the activeNode has registered the plugin.
* @param {string} pluginId - Id of plugin
* @returns {Error} - returns undefined if valid and an Error if not.
PluginBase.prototype.isInvalidActiveNode = function (pluginId) {
var validPlugins = this.core.getRegistry(this.activeNode, 'validPlugins') || '';
this.logger.debug('validPlugins for activeNode', validPlugins);
if (validPlugins.split(' ').indexOf(pluginId) === -1) {
return new Error('Plugin not registered as validPlugin for active node, validPlugins "' +
validPlugins + '"');
* Loads all the nodes in the subtree starting from node and returns a map from paths to nodes.
* @param {module:Core~Node} [node=self.rootNode] - Optional node to preload nodes from,
* by default all will be loaded.
* @param {function} [callback] - the result callback
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call
* @param {object} callback.nodeMap - keys are paths and values are nodes
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise
PluginBase.prototype.loadNodeMap = function (node, callback) {
var self = this;
return self.core.loadSubTree(node || self.rootNode)
.then(function (nodeArr) {
var nodes = {},
for (i = 0; i < nodeArr.length; i += 1) {
nodes[self.core.getPath(nodeArr[i])] = nodeArr[i];
return nodes;
* Retrieves the identity of the current user of the opened project (the user who invoked the plugin).
* @return {string} the userId
PluginBase.prototype.getUserId = function () {
return this.project.getUserId();
* Initializes and invokes the given plugin (at pluginId).
* Things to note:
* 1. If the invoked plugin calls save - it will not persist nor make a commit. The message will be recorded in
* the InterPluginResult.
* 2. Artifacts and files saved will be added to the blob-storage. Invoked plugins can expose the content by adding
* it to itself - the instance will be available in the InterPluginResult.
* @param {string} pluginId - Id of plugin that should be invoked
* @param {object} [context] - Optional context for the invoked plugin
* @param {object} [context.namespace=this.namespace] - Namespace (relative this.namespace)
* @param {module:Core~Node} [context.activeNode=this.activeNode] - Active node of invoked plugin
* @param {Array<module:Core~Node>} [context.activeSelection=this.activeSelection] - Active selection
* of invoked plugin
* @param {object} [context.pluginConfig] - Specific configuration parameters that should be used for the
* invocation.
* If not provided will first check if the currentConfig of this plugin contains this plugin as dependency within
* the array this._currentConfig._dependencies. Finally it will fall back to the default config of the plugin.
* @param {function} [callback] - the result callback
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call
* @param {InterPluginResult} callback.result - result from the invoked plugin
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise
PluginBase.prototype.invokePlugin = function (pluginId, context, callback) {
var self = this,
deferred = Q.defer(),
context = context || {};
function getPluginClass() {
var requireDeferred = Q.defer(),
pluginPath = 'plugin/' + pluginId + '/' + pluginId + '/' + pluginId;
function (PluginClass) {
self.logger.debug('requirejs plugin from path: ' + pluginPath);
function (err) {
return requireDeferred.promise;
.then(function (PluginClass) {
var pluginConfig,
pluginInstance = new PluginClass();
pluginInstance.initialize(self.logger.fork(pluginId), self.blobClient.getNewInstance(), self.gmeConfig);
pluginInstance.result = new InterPluginResult(pluginInstance);
['core', 'project', 'branch', 'projectName', 'projectId', 'branchName', 'branchHash', 'commitHash',
'currentHash', 'rootNode', 'notificationHandlers']
.forEach(function (sameField) {
pluginInstance[sameField] = self[sameField];
pluginInstance.activeNode = context.activeNode || self.activeNode;
pluginInstance.activeSelection = context.activeSelection || self.activeSelection;
if (context.namespace) {
pluginInstance.namespace = self.namespace === '' ?
context.namespace : self.namespace + '.' + context.namespace;
pluginInstance.META = pluginUtil
} else {
pluginInstance.namespace = self.namespace;
pluginInstance.META = self.META;
// Plugin config
// 1. Get the default config for the plugin instance.
pluginConfig = pluginInstance.getDefaultConfig();
// 2. If the current-plugin has a sub-config for this plugin (from the default UI) - add those.
if (Object.hasOwn(self._currentConfig, '_dependencies') &&
Object.hasOwn(self._currentConfig._dependencies, pluginId) &&
Object.hasOwn(self._currentConfig._dependencies[pluginId], 'pluginConfig')) {
for (cfgKey in self._currentConfig._dependencies[pluginId].pluginConfig) {
pluginConfig[cfgKey] = self._currentConfig._dependencies[pluginId].pluginConfig[cfgKey];
// 3. Finally use the specific config passed here.
if (context.pluginConfig) {
for (cfgKey in context.pluginConfig) {
pluginConfig[cfgKey] = context.pluginConfig[cfgKey];
pluginInstance.isConfigured = true;
pluginInstance.callDepth = self.callDepth + 1;
return Q.ninvoke(pluginInstance, 'main');
.then(function (res) {
var i;
for (i = 0; i < self.invokedPlugins.length; i += 1) {
if (pluginInstance === self.invokedPlugins[i]) {
self.invokedPlugins.splice(i, 1);
deferred.resolve(res || pluginInstance.result);
.catch(function (err) {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Adds a file to the blob storage and adds it to the plugin-result.
* @param {string} name - file name.
* @param {string|Buffer|ArrayBuffer} data - file content.
* @param {function} [callback] - if provided no promise will be returned.
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call
* @param {string} callback.metadataHash - the "id" of the uploaded file
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise
PluginBase.prototype.addFile = function (name, content, callback) {
var self = this;
return this.blobClient.putFile(name, content)
.then(function (metadataHash) {
return metadataHash;
* Adds multiple files to the blob storage and bundles them as an artifact of which the hash is added to the
* plugin-result.
* @param {string} name - name of the file bundle.
* @param {object.<string, string|Buffer|ArrayBuffer>} files - Keys are file names and values the content.
* @param {function} [callback] - if provided no promise will be returned.
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call.
* @param {string} callback.metadataHash - the "id" of the uploaded artifact.
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise.
PluginBase.prototype.addArtifact = function (name, files, callback) {
var self = this,
artifact = this.blobClient.createArtifact(name);
return artifact.addFilesAsSoftLinks(files)
.then(function () {
return artifact.save();
.then(function (metadataHash) {
return metadataHash;
* Retrieves the file from blob storage.
* @param {string} metadataHash - the "id" of the file to retrieve.
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call.
* @param {string} callback.content - the file content.
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise.
PluginBase.prototype.getFile = function (metadataHash, callback) {
return this.blobClient.getObjectAsString(metadataHash).nodeify(callback);
* Retrieves the file from blob storage in binary format.
* @param {string} metadataHash - the "id" of the file to retrieve.
* @param {string} [subpath] - optional file-like path to sub-object if complex blob
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call.
* @param {Buffer} callback.content - the file content.
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise.
PluginBase.prototype.getBinFile = function (metadataHash, subpath, callback) {
return this.blobClient.getObject(metadataHash, callback || null, subpath || null);
* Retrieves all the files in the artifact from the blob storage.
* @param {string} metadataHash - the "id" of the artifact to retrieve.
* @param {null|Error} callback.err - status of the call.
* @param {object.<string, string>} callback.files - Keys are file names, and values the content.
* @return {external:Promise} If no callback is given, the result will be provided in a promise.
PluginBase.prototype.getArtifact = function (metadataHash, callback) {
var self = this,
result = {};
return this.blobClient.getMetadata(metadataHash)
.then(function (metadata) {
var promises = Object.keys(metadata.content)
.map(function (fileName) {
return self.blobClient.getObjectAsString(metadata.content[fileName].content)
.then(function (content) {
result[fileName] = content;
return Q.all(promises);
.then(function () {
return result;
//<editor-fold desc="Methods that are used by the Plugin Manager. Derived classes should not use these methods">
* Initializes the plugin with objects that can be reused within the same plugin instance.
* @param {GmeLogger} logger - logging capability to console (or file) based on PluginManager configuration
* @param {BlobClient} blobClient - virtual file system where files can be generated then saved as a zip file.
* @param {GmeConfig} gmeConfig - global configuration for webGME.
PluginBase.prototype.initialize = function (logger, blobClient, gmeConfig) {
if (logger) {
this.logger = logger;
} else {
this.logger = console;
if (!gmeConfig) {
// TODO: Remove this check at some point
throw new Error('gmeConfig was not provided to Plugin.initialize!');
this.blobClient = blobClient;
this.gmeConfig = gmeConfig;
this._currentConfig = null;
// initialize default configuration
this.isConfigured = false;
* Configures this instance of the plugin for a specific execution. This function is called before the main by
* the PluginManager.
* Initializes the result with a new object.
* @param {object} config - specific context: project, branch, core, active object and active selection.
PluginBase.prototype.configure = function (config) {
var self = this;
this.core = config.core;
this.project = config.project;
this.branch = config.branch; // This is only for client side.
this.projectName = config.projectName;
this.projectId = config.projectId;
this.branchName = config.branchName;
this.branchHash = config.branchName ? config.commitHash : null;
this.commitHash = config.commitHash;
this.currentHash = config.commitHash;
this.rootNode = config.rootNode;
this.activeNode = config.activeNode;
this.activeSelection = config.activeSelection;
this.namespace = config.namespace || '';
this.META = this.META = config.META;
this.result = new PluginResult();
this.isConfigured = true;
setTimeout(function () {
toBranch: false,
message: 'Plugin initialized.',
progress: 0,
}, 0);
* Gets the default configuration based on the configuration structure for this plugin.
* @returns {PluginConfig}
PluginBase.prototype.getDefaultConfig = function () {
var configStructure = this.getConfigStructure(),
defaultConfig = new PluginConfig();
for (var i = 0; i < configStructure.length; i += 1) {
defaultConfig[configStructure[i].name] = configStructure[i].value;
return defaultConfig;
* Sets the current configuration of the plugin.
* @param {PluginConfig} newConfig - this is the actual configuration and NOT the configuration structure.
PluginBase.prototype.setCurrentConfig = function (newConfig) {
this._currentConfig = newConfig;
* Gets the metadata for the plugin.
* @returns {PluginMetaData}
PluginBase.prototype.getMetadata = function () {
return this.pluginMetadata;
* Gets the ids of the directly defined dependencies of the plugin
* @returns {string[]}
PluginBase.prototype.getPluginDependencies = function () {
if (this.pluginMetadata && this.pluginMetadata.dependencies) {
return this.pluginMetadata.dependencies
.map(function (data) {
return data.id;
} else {
return [];
* Aborts the execution of a plugin.
PluginBase.prototype.onAbort = function () {
throw new Error('onAbort function is not implemented!');
* Can send a message to the plugin.
* @param {string} messageType - string identifier of the message.
* @param {object} content - object that holds arbitrary content of the message.
PluginBase.prototype.onMessage = function (messageType, content) {
if (this.logger) {
this.logger.warn('Message [' + messageType + '] was received but no message handling is implemented!');
this.logger.debug('Unhandled [' + messageType + '] with content:', content);
return PluginBase;