* @author kecso / https://github.com/kecso
* @description This class provides the API for getting information about a gme node
* in the model. To get hold of such object use the [getNode]{@link Client#getNode} function.
* !!! The documentation of the functions of the class are not complete!!! The functions of this class
* are aligned with the functions of the [Core]{@link Core}.
* @class GMENode
* @param {string} _id - Path of node.
* @param {GmeLogger} logger - logger.
* @param {object} state - state of the client.
* @param {function} storeNode - invoked when storing new nodes.
* @description Returns the path of the parent of the node.
* @function getParentId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string|null} The path of the parent.
* @description Returns the path of the given node.
* @function getId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string} The path of the node.
* @description Returns the relative id of the node.
* @function getRelid
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {(string|null|undefined)} The relative id of the node.
* @description Get the GUID of a node.
* @function getGuid
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {Core.GUID} Returns the globally unique identifier.
* @description Collects the relative ids of all the children of the given node.
* @function getChildrenRelids
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The function returns an array of the relative ids.
* @description Collects the paths of all the children of the given node.
* @function getChildrenIds
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The function returns an array of the absolute paths of the children.
* @description Returns the path of the base of the node.
* @function getBaseId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string} The paths of the base of the node.
* @description Check if the given node would be a valid base for the node.
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} basePath - the path of the intended new base node.
* @return {boolean}
* @description Checks if the given node would be a valid parent of the node.
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} parentPath - path of the intended new parent node.
* @return {boolean}
* @description Gathers the paths of instances of the node.
* @function getInheritorIds
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The paths of the instances of the node.
* @description Retrieves the value of the given attribute of the given node.
* @function getAttribute
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} name - the name of the attribute.
* @return {(object|primitive|null|undefined)} The function returns the value of the attribute of the node.
* The value can be an object or any primitive type. If the value is undefined that means the node do not have
* such attribute defined.
* @description Returns the value of the attribute defined for the given node.
* @function getOwnAttribute
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} name - the name of the attribute.
* @return {(object|primitive|null|undefined)} Returns the value of the attribute defined specifically for
* the node. If undefined then it means that there is no such attribute defined directly for the node, meaning
* that it either inherits some value or there is no such attribute at all.
* [The retrieved attribute should not be modified as is - it should be copied first!!]
* @description Returns the value of the given registry entry.
* @function getRegistry
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} name - The name of the registry entry.
* @return {primitive|object|null|undefined} The value of the registry entry.
* @description Returns the value of the registry entry defined for the given node.
* Please note that this return value should not be mutated!
* @function getOwnRegistry
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} name - The name of the registry entry.
* @return {primitive|object|null|undefined} The value of the registry entry.
* @description Returns the path of the target node of the given pointer.
* @function getPointerId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} name - The name of the pointer.
* @return {string|null|undefined} The path of the target node. If the response is null, then the pointer
* is defined but has no target, if undefined, it is not defined.
* @description Returns the path of the target node of the given pointer defined for this specific node.
* @function getOwnPointerId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} name - The name of the pointer.
* @return {string|null|undefined} The path of the target node. If the response is null, then the pointer
* is defined but has no target, if undefined, it is not defined.
* @description Retrieves a list of the defined pointer names of the node.
* @function getPointerNames
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The function returns an array of the names of the pointers of the node.
* @description Returns the list of the names of the pointers that were defined specifically for the node.
* @function getOwnPointerNames
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} Returns an array of names of pointers defined specifically for the node.
* @description Returns the names of the defined attributes of the node.
* @function getAttributeNames
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The function returns an array of the names of the attributes of the node.
* @description Returns the list of the META defined attribute names of the node.
* @function getValidAttributeNames
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The function returns all the attribute names that are defined among the META rules of the
* node.
* @description Returns the names of the attributes of the node that have been first defined for
* the node and not for its bases.
* @function getOwnAttributeNames
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The function returns an array of the names of the own attributes of the node.
* @description Returns the list of the META defined attribute names of
* the node that were specifically defined for the node.
* @function getOwnValidAttributeNames
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string[]} The function returns the attribute names that are defined specifically for the node.
* @description Returns the definition object of an attribute from the META rules of the node.
* @function getAttributeMeta
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} name - the name of the attribute.
* @return {object} The function returns the definition object, where type is always defined. For examples
* see the similar [Core]{@link Core#getAttributeMeta} definition.
* @description Returns the id of meta-node of the node in question, that is the first base node that is part
* of the meta.
* (Aliased getBaseTypeId).
* @function getMetaTypeId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string} Returns the id of the first node (including itself) among the inheritance chain
* that is a META node. It returns null if it does not find such node (ideally the only node with this result
* is the ROOT).
* @description Returns the id of the meta-node of the node in question, that is the first base node that is part
* of the meta.
* (Aliased getMetaTypeId).
* @function getBaseTypeId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @return {string|null} Returns the id of the first node (including itself) among the inheritance chain
* that is a META node. It returns null if it does not find such node (ideally the only node with this result
* is the ROOT).
* @description Checks if the given node in any way inherits type-node. In addition to checking if the node
* "isInstanceOf" of type-node, this methods also takes mixins into account.
* @function isTypeOf
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} typeId - Id to the type node we want to check.
* @return {bool} The function returns true if the type-node is a base node, or a mixin of any of the
* base nodes, of the node. Every node is considered to be a type of itself.
* @description Checks if the node is an instance of the node at base Id.
* @function isInstanceOf
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} baseId - Id to the base node we want to check.
* @return {bool} Returns true if the base is on the inheritance chain of node. A node is considered to be an
* instance of itself here.
* @description Checks if the node can have a child of the given type without causing containment inheritance loop.
* @function isValidNewChild
* @memberOf GMENode
* @instance
* @param {string} baseId - Id to the base node that would be the type of the child.
* @return {bool} Returns true if a child of the given type can be created.
* @description Checks if base can be the new base of node.
* @function isValidNewBase
* @memberOf GMENode
* @param {string | null | undefined} base - the new base.
* @return {boolean} True if the supplied base is a valid base for the node.
* @description Returns the Id of the root of the library in question.
* @function getLibraryRootId
* @memberOf GMENode
* @param {string} name - the name of the library.
* @return {string | null} If the library is found then the return value will be the Id of its root,
* otherwise the function returns null.
// expect(typeof node.getRegistryNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getOwnRegistryNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getMemberIds).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getSetNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getMemberAttributeNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getMemberAttribute).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getMemberRegistryNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getMemberRegistry).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getSetRegistry).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getSetRegistryNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getSetAttribute).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getSetAttributeNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidChildrenTypes).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidAttributeNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isValidAttributeValueOf).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidPointerNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidSetNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getConstraintNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getOwnConstraintNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getConstraint).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.toString).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getCollectionPaths).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getInstancePaths).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getJsonMeta).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isConnection).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isAbstract).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isLibraryRoot).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isLibraryElement).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getFullyQualifiedName).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getNamespace).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getLibraryGuid).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getCrosscutsInfo).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidChildrenTypesDetailed).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidSetMemberTypesDetailed).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isMetaNode).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isValidChildOf).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidChildrenIds).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isValidTargetOf).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getValidAspectNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getOwnValidAspectNames).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getAspectMeta).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.getMixinPaths).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.canSetAsMixin).to.equal('function');
// expect(typeof node.isReadOnly).to.equal('function');