Source: docs/client.doc.js

 * @author kecso /
 * @author pmeijer /

 * @description The Client class represents the Client API which is the way to communicate
 * with your project from your user-defined UI pieces. It allows project selection, project tracking,
 * model interpretation and model manipulation.
 * !! Documentation of the class is incomplete !!
 * What is mainly missing are the node setters. Until added here use the [Core documentation]{@link Core}
 * and simply replace any Core nodes in the arguments with the id/path of the nodes instead.
 * @class Client
 * @param {GmeConfig} gmeConfig - the main configuration of the WebGME that holds information
 * about the server and other options.

// Node related
 * @description Returns the [GMENode]{@link GMENode} of the given node if it has been loaded.
 * @function getNode
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string} path - the path of the node in question.
 * @return {(GMENode|null)} If the node is loaded it will be returned, otherwise null.

 * @description Returns all meta-nodes as [GMENodes]{@link GMENode}.
 * @function getAllMetaNodes
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {boolean} asObject - If true return an object with ids/path as keys and nodes as values.
 * @return {GMENode[]|object} If the node is loaded it will be returned, otherwise null.

// Territory related
 * @description Adds a "user" for receiving events regarding nodes in a specified territory.
 * @function addUI
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @example
 * // The eventHandler is invoked whenever there are changes to the nodes
 // matching any of the patterns.
 // There are three cases when it is triggered:
 // 1) updateTerritory was invoked by us.
 // 2) Another client made changes to nodes within the territory.
 // 3) We made changes to any of the nodes (via the setters).
 function eventHandler(events) {
  var i,
  for (i = 0; i < events.length; i += 1) {
    if (events[i].etype === 'load') {
      // The node is loaded and we have access to it.
      // It was either just created or this is the initial
      // updateTerritory we invoked.
      nodeObj = client.getNode(events[i].eid);
    } else if (events[i].etype === 'update') {
      // There were changes made to the node (or any of its bases, meta-types and/or reverse relationships).
      // The node is still loaded and we have access to it.
      nodeObj = client.getNode(events[i].eid);
    } else if (events[i].etype === 'unload') {
      // The node was removed from the model (we can no longer access it).
      // We still get the path/id via events[i].eid
    } else {
      // "Technical events" not used.

 var userId = client.addUI(null, eventHandler);
 * @param {object} [ui] - Object with additional methods to be invoked.
 * @param {function} [ui.reLaunch] - Triggered when active project/branch is switched.
 * @param {function} eventHandler - Function invoked at changes for, or initial loading of, nodes within the
 * "user's" territory.
 * @param {object[]} - Array of event data for affected nodes within the territory.
 * @param {string} [guid] - Unique id of user (if not provided one will be generated).
 * @return {string} The id (guid) of the newly added "user".

 * @description Updates the patterns for the territories defined for the "user" at guid.
 * @function updateTerritory
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @example
 * // The patterns are defined by using the ids of the nodes and optionally specifying a depth in the containment-
 * hierarchy from that node
 client.updateTerritory('ae1b4f8e-32ea-f26f-93b3-ab9c8daa8a42', {
        '/a/b': {
            children: 0 // Will only add '/a/b' to the territory
        '/a/c': {
            // children can be left out, implies 0
        '/a/d': {
            children: 1 // '/a/d' and all its children are included
        '/a/e': {
            children: 3 // We can go arbitrarily deep down (note in large models too big territories can be slow!)
 * @param {string} guid - The unique id of the added "user".
 * @param {object} patterns - The definition for the new territory.

 * @description Removes the [user]{@link Client.addUI} at guid and no more events will be triggered at
 * its event-handler.
 * @function removeUI
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @example
 * var id = client.addUI(null, function (events) {
 *      // Say we only wanted the initial updateTerritory event.
 *      client.removeUI(id);
 *  });
 *  client.updateTerritory(id);
 * @param {string} guid - The unique id of the "user" to remove.
// Plugin related
 * @description Helper method for obtaining the context for a plugin execution. If WebGMEGlobal is defined it is
 * used to get the activeNode and activeSelection (if not specified). The model context, that is project, branch,
 * commitHash is obtained using the state of the client. If there is an activeNode - the namespace will be the namespace
 * of the first base that defines the pluginId at the "validPlugins" registry.
 * @function getCurrentPluginContext
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string} pluginId - Id of plugin.
 * @param {string} [activeNodeId=WebGMEGlobal.State.getActiveObject() || ''] - Specific id for active node.
 * @param {string[]} [activeSelectionIds=WebGMEGlobal.State.getActiveSelection() || []] - Specific ids for
 * active-selection.
 * @return {object} The context needed for runBrowserPlugin/runServerPlugin.

 * @description Helper method for filtering out the registered plugins from the available ones.
 * @function filterPlugins
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string[]} pluginIds - Typically all available plugins on the server.
 * @param {string} [nodePath=''] - Node to get the validPlugins from.
 * @return {string[]} Filtered plugin ids.

 * @description Execute the specified plugin inside the browser at the provided context.
 * @function runBrowserPlugin
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string} pluginId - Id of plugin.
 * @param {object} context
 * @param {object} context.managerConfig - Where the plugin should execute.
 * @param {ProjectInterface} context.managerConfig.project - Project (can be obtained via
 * [client.getProjectObject()]{@link Client#getProjectObject}).
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.activeNode=''] - Path to activeNode.
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.activeSelection=[]] - Paths to selected nodes.
 * @param {string} context.managerConfig.commitHash - Commit hash to start the plugin from.
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.branchName] - Branch which to save to.
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.namespace=''] - Used namespace ('' represents root namespace).
 * @param {object} [context.pluginConfig=%defaultForPlugin%] - Specific configuration for the plugin.
 * @param {function(err, PluginResult)} callback
 *  @fires Client#PLUGIN_INITIATED
 *  @fires Client#PLUGIN_FINISHED

 * @description Execute the specified plugin on the server at the provided context. Before invoking a plugin on
 * the server you need to make sure that the given commitHash has been persisted in the database.
 * @function runServerPlugin
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string} pluginId - Id of plugin.
 * @param {object} context
 * @param {object} context.managerConfig - Where the plugin should execute.
 * @param {ProjectInterface|string} context.managerConfig.project - Project or id of project.
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.activeNode=''] - Path to activeNode.
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.activeSelection=[]] - Paths to selected nodes.
 * @param {string} context.managerConfig.commitHash - Commit hash to start the plugin from.
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.branchName] - Branch which to save to.
 * @param {string} [context.managerConfig.namespace=''] - Used namespace ('' represents root namespace).
 * @param {object} [context.pluginConfig=%defaultForPlugin%] - Specific configuration for the plugin.
 * @param {function} callback
 *  @fires Client#PLUGIN_INITIATED
 *  @fires Client#PLUGIN_FINISHED

// Transactions
 * @description Starts a transaction where all changes to nodes are bundled into a single commit. All commit-messages
 * for each change will be joined and separated by '\n'.
 * @function startTransaction
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @example
 * var nodeId = 'someIdToANodeThatIsLoaded';
 client.startTransaction('start of commitMessage');

 // While transaction is open nothing will be committed to the server.
 client.setAttributes(nodeId, 'name', 'newName', 'changes within the transaction');

 client.setRegistry(nodeId, 'position', {x: 100, y:200}, 'some more changes');

 // When we have made all of our changes we make a single commit.
 client.completeTransaction('end of commitMessage', function (err, result) {
  // Here we have the option to get notified when the commit has reached the server
  // and been persisted in the database.

  // The commit hash of the new state of our model.

  // If we are working in a branch - this is the status of our commit.
  // 'SYNCED', 'FORKED'.
 * @param {string} [msg='['] - Start of commit-message.

 * @description Completes any open transaction and persists the changes to server.
 * @function completeTransaction
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @example
 * var nodeId = 'someIdToANodeThatIsLoaded';
 client.startTransaction('start of commitMessage');

 // While transaction is open nothing will be committed to the server.
 client.setAttributes(nodeId, 'name', 'newName', 'changes within the transaction');

 client.setRegistry(nodeId, 'position', {x: 100, y:200}, 'some more changes');

 // When we have made all of our changes we make a single commit.
 client.completeTransaction('end of commitMessage', function (err, result) {
  // Here we have the option to get notified when the commit has reached the server
  // and been persisted in the database.

  // The commit hash of the new state of our model.

  // If we are working in a branch - this is the status of our commit.
  // 'SYNCED', 'FORKED'.
 * @param {string} [msg=']'] - End of commit-message.
 * @param {function} [callback] - Optional callback that's invoked when the commit has reached the server.

 * @description Trigger the client to dispatch a NOTIFICATION (in the generic UI the notification widget listens
 * to these).
 * @function notifyUser
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {object|string} [notification] - Notification to user (if string given will be set at notification.message)
 * @param {string} notification.message - Message of notification
 * @param {string} [notification.severity='info'] - Notification severity level ('success', 'info', 'warn', 'error')

// Libraries
 * @description Returns an array of all libraries at the current project and commit/branch.
 * @function getLibraryNames
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string[]} - Fully qualified names of libraries (including libraries of libraries)

 * @description Returns the info associated with the library in the current project and commit/branch.
 * @function getLibraryInfo
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string} libraryName - Name of library.
 * @returns {object} - Info stored at library.

 * @description Sends a server request to add specified library to the current project and branch.
 * @function addLibrary
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} name - Name of new library (cannot contain dots or exist already)
 * @param {string|object} blobHashLibraryInfoOrSeedName - If blobHash string given will import library from blob,
 * if string will import from seed, otherwise project at info (will also be added to info at library).
 * @param {string} blobHashLibraryInfoOrSeedName.projectId - The projectId of your library.
 * @param {string} [blobHashLibraryInfoOrSeedName.branchName] - The branch that your library follows in the
 * origin project.
 * @param {string} [blobHashLibraryInfoOrSeedName.commitHash] - The commit-hash of your library.
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If request failed.
 * @param {module:Storage~CommitResult} callback.result - Result from the commit made.
 * @instance

 * @description Sends a server request to update the specified library at the current project and branch.
 * @function updateLibrary
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} name - Name of library to update.
 * @param {string|object} blobHashLibraryInfoOrSeedName - If blobHash string given will update library from blob,
 * if string will update from seed, otherwise project at info (will also be added to info at library).
 * @param {string} blobHashOrLibraryInfo.projectId - The projectId of your library.
 * @param {string} [blobHashOrLibraryInfo.branchName] - The branch that your library follows in the origin project.
 * @param {string} [blobHashOrLibraryInfo.commitHash] - The commit-hash of your library.
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If request failed.
 * @param {module:Storage~CommitResult} callback.result - Result from the commit made.
 * @instance

 * @description Remove the library from the current project and branch.
 * @function removeLibrary
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string} libraryName - Name of library to remove.

 * @description Rename the library in the current project and branch.
 * @function renameLibrary
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @param {string} oldName - Name of library to rename.
 * @param {string} newName - New name of library.

 * @description Updates the given project and branch name with the provided context.
 * @function updateProjectFromFile
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} projectId - Id of project to update.
 * @param {string} branchName - Branch that should be updated.
 * @param {string} blobHashOrSeedName - If blobHash string will update from the webgmex at the blob,
 * if string will update from the webgmex seed.
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If request failed.
 * @param {module:Storage~CommitResult} callback.result - Result from the commit made.
 * @instance

 * @description Get the identity of the current user of the client/storage.
 * @function getUserId
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string} the userId

 * @description Establishes a websocket-connection to the storage/database on the server. If already connected - it will
 * resolve immediately. Note that the client itself attempts to reconnect on unintended disconnections. To monitor the
 * status register for the client.CONSTANTS.NETWORK_STATUS_CHANGED event.
 * @function connectToDatabase
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @instance

 * @description Ends the websocket-connection to the storage/database on the server.
 * @function disconnectFromDatabase
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @instance

 * @description Selects a new project and opens a branch for monitoring. Any previously opened project/branch will be
 * closed. If the same project is already open - it will resolve immediately and keep that project open.
 * (To only change the branch use selectBranch instead). If branchName is given and it does not exist,
 * the project will be closed and the callback will resolve with an error.
 * If branchName is NOT given it will attempt proceed in the following in order and break if successful at any step:
 *  1) Select the 'master' if available.
 *  2) Select any available branch.
 *  3) Select the latest commit.
 *  4) Close the project and resolve with an error.
 * @function selectProject
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} projectId - Id of project to be selected
 * @param {string} [branchName='master'] - branch to open
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @fires Client#PROJECT_OPENED
 * @fires Client#PROJECT_CLOSED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_OPENED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CLOSED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CHANGED
 * @instance

 * @description Closes the currently selected project. If a branch is opened it will be closed as well.
 * Will resolve with error if no project is opened.
 * @function closeProject
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @instance
 * @fires Client#PROJECT_CLOSED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CLOSED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CHANGED

 * @description Selects a branch in the currently opened project. It will close any currently opened branch.
 * If the same branch is opened it will close and reselect it (this differs from how selectProject works).
 * @function selectBranch
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} branchName - Name of branch to open.
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_OPENED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CLOSED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CHANGED
 * @instance

 * @description Selects a specific commit and enters "read-only" mode see [isReadOnly]{@link Client#isReadOnly} and
 * [isReadOnlyCommit]{@link Client#isReadOnlyCommit}.
 * If a branch is opened it will be closed. Will resolve with error if the commit does not exist.
 * @function selectCommit
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} commitHash - Unique id for the commit to select.
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CLOSED
 * @fires Client#BRANCH_CHANGED
 * @instance

 * @description Returns true if either the selected project is read-only for the connected user or if a commit
 * is selected, i.e. if either [isReadOnlyCommit]{@link Client#isReadOnlyCommit} or
 * [isProjectReadOnly]{@link Client#isProjectReadOnly} return true.
 * @function isReadOnly
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {boolean} True if in read-only state.

 * @description Returns true if the selected project is read-only for the connected user.
 * @function isProjectReadOnly
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {boolean} True if the user only has read-access to the project.

 * @description Returns true if a specific commit is selected (no branch opened).
 * @function isCommitReadOnly
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {boolean} True if a commit is selected

 * @description Returns true if a connection to the database/storage has been established and
 * is not in a disconnected state.
 * @function isConnected
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {boolean} True if connected to the database/storage.

 * @description Returns the current connection state or null if connectToDatabase was never invoked.
 * @function getNetworkStatus
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null} One of client.CONSTANTS.STORAGE.

 * @description Returns the version (package.json version of webgme-engine) of the server the initial connection was
 * established to.
 * @function getConnectedStorageVersion
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null} null if it was never connected.

 * @description Returns the current status of the opened branch. Returns null if no branch is opened.
 * @function getBranchStatus
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance

 * @description Returns the id of currently selected project. Returns null if no project is opened.
 * @function getActiveProjectId
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null} The project-id of the selected project.

 * @description Returns the name of currently selected project. Returns null if no project is opened.
 * @function getActiveProjectName
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null} The project-name of the selected project.

 * @description Returns the kind of currently selected project at the time it was opened.
 * Returns null if no project is opened and returns undefined if the field is not specified for the project.
 * (To get the latest info from the server use client.getProjectObject() followed by project.getProjectInfo.)
 * @function getActiveProjectKind
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null|undefined} The project-kind of the selected project.

 * @description Returns the name of currently selected branch. Returns null if no branch is open.
 * @function getActiveBranchName
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null} The name of the selected branch.

 * @description Returns the current commit-hash of either the opened branch or the selected commit. Return null if
 * none is selected.
 * @function getActiveCommitHash
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null} The active commit-hash.

 * @description Returns the current root-hash the client is at. If there are changes inside a transaction the root-hash
 * will correspond to the state that is being updated. Returns null if no no branch or commit selected is selected.
 * @function getActiveRootHash
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {string|null} The active root-hash.

 * @description Returns the access the current user had to the selected project when it was opened. Returns null if no
 * project is open.
 * (To get the latest info from the server use [client.getProjectObject()]{@link Client#getProjectObject}
 * followed by [project.getProjectInfo]{@link Project#getProjectInfo}.)
 * @function getProjectAccess
 * @example
 * { read: true, write: false, delete: false }
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {object|null} The access levels to the project.

 * @description Returns the info of the selected project when it was opened. Returns null if no project is open.
 * (To get the latest info from the server use [client.getProjectObject()]{@link Client#getProjectObject}
 * followed by [project.getProjectInfo]{@link Project#getProjectInfo}.)
 * @function getProjectInfo
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {object|null} The project info - see [project.getProjectInfo]{@link Project#getProjectInfo}

 * @description Returns the project object of the selected project. Returns null if no project is open.
 * @function getProjectObject
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance
 * @returns {ProjectInterface|null} The project instance.

 * @description Creates a new core instance using the state of the client and loads a new root node.
 * Resolves with error if no project or root-hash is active.
 * @function getCoreInstance
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {object} [options]
 * @param {string} [options.commitHash=%state.commitHash%] - If a different commit-hash should be loaded.
 * @param {GmeLogger} [options.logger=%clientLogger%] - Logger passed to the core instance.
 * @param {function} callback
 * @param {Error|null} callback.err - Non-null if failed to retrieve result.
 * @param {object} callback.result - The result object
 * @param {Core} callback.result.core - Newly created core instance
 * @param {Core~Node} callback.result.rootNode - The root-node that was loaded.
 * @param {string} callback.result.commitHash - The commitHash used as basis for loading the root-node.
 * @param {Project} callback.result.project - A reference to the project.
 * @instance
 * @returns {Core|null} The core instance.

 * @description Undo the latest change/commit, i.e. sets the branch-hash to point to the previous commit.
 * Will immediately resolve with error if the provided branchName is not the
 * same as the selected or if the current user did not make the latest change (see [canRedo]{@link Client#canRedo}).
 * @function undo
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} branchName - Must match the active branch.
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @param {module:Storage~CommitResult} callback.commitResult - The status of the commit made.
 * @instance

 * @description Redo the latest undo. Will immediately resolve with error if the provided branchName is not the
 * same as the selected or if there were commits after the previous undo (see [canRedo]{@link Client#canRedo}).
 * @function redo
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} branchName - Must match the active branch.
 * @param {function} callback - Invoked when request completed.
 * @param {null|Error} callback.err - If the request failed.
 * @param {module:Storage~CommitResult} callback.commitResult - The status of the commit made.
 * @instance

 * @description Returns true if the provided branchName matches the selected and if the current user did made the latest
 * change.
 * @function canUndo
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} branchName - Must match the active branch.
 * @instance
 * @returns {boolean} True if it's fine to call client.undo()

 * @description Returns true if the provided branchName matches the selected and if there were no commits after the
 * previous undo.
 * @function canRedo
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} branchName - Must match the active branch.
 * @instance
 * @returns {boolean} True if it's fine to call client.redo()

 * @description Initiates the abort of the given plugin execution.
 * @function abortPlugin
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} executionId - unique identifier that identifies the plugin execution
 * @instance

 * @description Sends a message to a running plugin.
 * @function sendMessageToPlugin
 * @memberOf Client
 * @param {string} executionId - unique identifier that identifies the plugin execution
 * @param {string} messageId - the identifier of the message which has been specified by the plugin
 * @param {any} content - the content of the message
 * @instance

 * @description Gathers the list of running plugins and information about them.
 * @function getRunningPlugins
 * @memberOf Client
 * @instance

 * Fired when the network status changes.
 * The returned value is one of:
 * - `'CONNECTED'` - The websocket connection has been established (a project can be selected)
 * - `'DISCONNECTED'` - The websocket connection is broken, the user can continue offline and any commits will be pushed
 *  automatically by the client when reconnected.
 * - `'RECONNECTED'` - After a disconnect, the connection has been established again.
 * - `'INCOMPATIBLE_CONNECTION'` - If the version of webgme-engine the server is different from the one loaded
 * in the client at this point the browser must be refreshed.
 * - `'CONNECTION_ERROR'` - Some unexpected error happened and the browser needs to be refreshed.
 * @type {string}

 * Fired when a project is opened.
 * @event Client#PROJECT_OPENED
 * @type {string}

 * Fired when the currently opened project is closed.
 * @event Client#PROJECT_CLOSED
 * @type {string}

 * Fired when a branch is opened.
 * @event Client#BRANCH_OPENED
 * @type {string}

 * Fired when the currently opened branch is closed.
 * @event Client#BRANCH_CLOSED
 * @type {string}

 * Fired when the open branch changed. The event could either return the name of the newly opened branch
 * or null if there no longer is a branch opened.
 * @event Client#BRANCH_CHANGED
 * @type {string|null}

 * Fired when the branch status changes.
 * The returned value is one of:
 * - `'SYNC'` - The local branch is in sync with the server.
 * - `'AHEAD_SYNC'` - There are changes in the local branch that has not been sent to the server. The latest commit
 * was synchronized.
 * - `'AHEAD_NOT_SYNC'` - There are changes in the local branch that has not been sent to the server. The latest commit
 * did not update the branch head. An action is required.
 * - `'PULLING'` - External changes to the branch are being pulled into the branch.
 * - `'ERROR'` - Some unexpected error happened.
 * - (`'MERGING'` - a forked commit is attempted to be merged by the server (this is disabled by default))
 * @type {object}

 * A notification with a message to the end-user. Could be generated by plugins or add-ons, but
 * also by GUI widgets.
 * @event Client#NOTIFICATION
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} message - The content of the message.
 * @property {string} severity - One of 'success', 'info', 'warn', 'error'

 * Fired when there are changes among the users connected to the same branch-room (have the same project
 * and branch opened).
 * @example
 * {
  "state": {
    "activeAspect": "All",
    "activeTab": 0,
    "layout": "DefaultLayout",
    "activeVisualizer": "ModelEditor",
    "activeProjectName": "demo+SignalFlowSystem",
    "activeBranchName": "master",
    "activeCommit": null,
    "_toBeActiveObject": "/682825457/607500954",
    "activeObject": "/682825457/607500954",
    "activeSelection": [
  "projectId": "demo+SignalFlowSystem",
  "branchName": "master",
  "userId": "demo",
  "socketId": "nczll3cDYPfoK7IeAAAT"
 * @example
 * {
  "projectId": "demo+SignalFlowSystem",
  "branchName": "master",
  "userId": "demo",
  "socketId": "nczll3cDYPfoK7IeAAAT",
  "join": true
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} projectId - The id of the project
 * @property {string} branchName - The name of the branch
 * @property {string} userId - The user-id of the user who joined or left
 * @property {string} socketId - The unique socket-id of the user who joined or left (this can become hashed)
 * @property {boolean|undefined} [join] - Whether or not the user joined or left the room (undefined -> false) this only
 * applies to the 'BRANCH_ROOM_SOCKETS' event.
 * @property {object|null} [state] - This only applies to the
 * 'CLIENT_STATE_NOTIFICATION' event and is defined by the return value of the function passed in at
 * client.registerUIStateGetter. Behind the scenes this emitted by the client when it receives a
 * 'BRANCH_ROOM_SOCKETS' event in order to notify that new client that it has a user in the same room. But can also
 * be emitted from the GUI by invoking client.emitStateNotification() (which is invoked by the generic webgme UI
 * whenever its state changes). The state in the example below is specific for the generic webgme UI.

 * Fired when the client initiates a plugin execution.
 * The event data contains information about the executed plugin.
 * @event Client#PLUGIN_INITIATED
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} id - the id of the plugin
 * @property {string} name - the name of the plugin
 * @property {string} executionId -  unique identifier that can be used for managing the execution and communicating
 * with the running plugin
 * @property {object} metadata - the original metadata of the plugin
 * @property {object} context - the context of the plugin that has information about the project, active object,
 * and configuration settings for the run
 * @property {boolean} canBeAborted - flag that show if the plugin can be aborted
 * @property {string} start - the exact time of the initiation of the plugin
 * @property {boolean} clientSide - flag showing if the execution is done on the client or the server side
 * @property {object} result - the result of the plugin - once it became available

 * Fired when the plugin sends a notification to the initiating client.
 * The event data contains information about the executed plugin.
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} pluginId - the id of the plugin
 * @property {string} pluginName - the name of the plugin
 * @property {string} pluginVersion - the version of the plugin normally in the form of x.y.z
 * @property {string} executionId -  unique identifier that can be used for managing the execution and communicating
 * with the running plugin
 * @property {string} projectId - the id of the project context the plugin uses
 * @property {string} [branchName] - the name of the branch the plugin runs in.
 * @property {string} [commitHash] - the hash of the commit that represent the version that the plugin runs at.
 * @property {object} notification - the content of the notification, as the plugin control the content
 * there are no mandatory fields
 * @property {string} [notification.message] - the text content of the notification
 * @property {string} [notification.severity] - the severity of the notification
 * ('debug', 'info' (default), 'warning', 'error').
 * @property {string} type - the exact type of the notification which should always be 'PLUGIN_NOTIFICATION'.

 * Fired when the execution of a plugin - initiated by this given client - finished.
 * The event data contains information about the executed plugin.
 * @event Client#PLUGIN_FINISHED
 * @type {object}
 * @property {string} id - the id of the plugin
 * @property {string} name - the name of the plugin
 * @property {string} executionId -  unique identifier that can be used for managing the execution and communicating
 * with the running plugin
 * @property {object} metadata - the original metadata of the plugin
 * @property {object} context - the context of the plugin that has information about the project, active object,
 * and configuration settings for the run
 * @property {boolean} canBeAborted - flag that show if the plugin can be aborted
 * @property {string} start - the exact time of the initiation of the plugin
 * @property {boolean} clientSide - flag showing if the execution is done on the client or the server side
 * @property {object} result - the result of the plugin - once it became available









 * Node setters