/*globals define, WebGMEGlobal*/
/*eslint-env node, browser*/
* Client module for creating, monitoring executor jobs.
* @author lattmann / https://github.com/lattmann
* @author ksmyth / https://github.com/ksmyth
* @author pmeijer / https://github.com/pmeijer
define(['superagent', 'q'], function (superagent, Q) {
'use strict';
* Client for creating, monitoring, and receiving output executor jobs.
* This client is used by the Executor Workers and some of the API calls are not
* meant to be used by "end users".
* @param {object} parameters
* @param {object} parameters.logger
* @constructor
* @alias ExecutorClient
var ExecutorClient = function (parameters) {
parameters = parameters || {};
if (parameters.logger) {
this.logger = parameters.logger;
} else {
/*eslint-disable no-console*/
var doLog = function () {
console.log.apply(console, arguments);
this.logger = {
debug: doLog,
log: doLog,
info: doLog,
warn: doLog,
error: doLog
console.warn('Since v1.3.0 ExecutorClient requires a logger, falling back on console.log.');
/*eslint-enable no-console*/
this.logger.debug('ctor', {metadata: parameters});
this.isNodeJS = (typeof window === 'undefined') && (typeof process === 'object');
this.isNodeWebkit = (typeof window === 'object') && (typeof process === 'object');
if (this.isNodeJS) {
this.logger.debug('Running under node');
this.server = '';
this.httpsecure = false;
this.server = parameters.server || this.server;
this.serverPort = parameters.serverPort || this.serverPort;
this.httpsecure = (parameters.httpsecure !== undefined) ? parameters.httpsecure : this.httpsecure;
if (this.isNodeJS) {
this.http = this.httpsecure ? require('https') : require('http');
this.origin = '';
if (this.httpsecure !== undefined && this.server && this.serverPort) {
this.origin = (this.httpsecure ? 'https://' : 'http://') + this.server + ':' + this.serverPort;
if (parameters && typeof parameters.relativeUrl === 'string') {
this.relativeUrl = parameters.relativeUrl;
} else if (typeof WebGMEGlobal !== 'undefined' && WebGMEGlobal.gmeConfig &&
typeof WebGMEGlobal.gmeConfig.client.mountedPath === 'string') {
this.relativeUrl = WebGMEGlobal.gmeConfig.client.mountedPath + '/rest/executor/';
} else {
this.relativeUrl = '/rest/executor/';
this.executorUrl = this.origin + this.relativeUrl;
this.executorNonce = parameters.executorNonce;
this.apiToken = parameters.apiToken;
this.webgmeToken = parameters.webgmeToken;
this.logger.debug('origin', this.origin);
this.logger.debug('executorUrl', this.executorUrl);
* Creates a new configuration object for the job execution.
* To make the worker post output either the outputInterval and/or outputSegmentSize must be specified.
* <br> - If both are negative (or falsy) no output will be given.
* <br> - When both are specified a timeout will be set at start (and after each posted output).
* If the number of lines exceeds outputSegmentSize during that timeout, the output will be posted and a
* new timeout will be triggered.
* <br>
* N.B. even though a short outputInterval is set, the worker won't post new output until the responses from
* previous posts have returned. Before the job returns with a "completed" status code, all queued outputs will be
* posted (and the responses will be ensured to have returned).
* @param {string} cmd - command to execute.
* @param {string[]} [args] - command arguments.
* @param {number} [outputInterval=-1] - max time [ms] between (non-empty) output posts from worker.
* @param {number} [outputSegmentSize=-1] - number of lines before new output is posted from worker. (N.B. posted
* segments can still contain more number of lines).
* @return {object}
ExecutorClient.prototype.getNewExecutorConfig = function (cmd, args, outputInterval, outputSegmentSize) {
var config = {
cmd: cmd,
resultArtifacts: [],
outputSegmentSize: typeof outputSegmentSize === 'number' ? outputSegmentSize : -1,
outputInterval: typeof outputInterval === 'number' ? outputInterval : -1
if (args) {
config.args = args;
* @param {string} name - name of the artifact.
* @param {string[]} [patterns=[]] - inclusive pattern for files to be returned in this artifact.
config.defineResultArtifact = function (name, patterns) {
name: name,
resultPatterns: patterns || []
return config;
* Creates a new job.
* @param {object} jobInfo - initial information about the job must contain the hash.
* @param {object} jobInfo.hash - a unique id for the job (e.g. the hash of the artifact
* containing the executor_config.json).
* @param {function} [callback] - if provided no promise will be returned.
* @return {external:Promise} On success the promise will be resolved with {@link JobInfo} <b>result</b>.<br>
* On error the promise will be rejected with {@link Error} <b>error</b>.
ExecutorClient.prototype.createJob = function (jobInfo, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
if (typeof jobInfo === 'string') {
jobInfo = {hash: jobInfo}; // old API
this.logger.debug('createJob', {metadata: jobInfo});
this.sendHttpRequestWithData('POST', this.getCreateURL(jobInfo.hash), jobInfo, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
self.logger.debug('createJob - result', response);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ExecutorClient.prototype.cancelJob = function (jobInfoOrHash, secret, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
hash = typeof jobInfoOrHash === 'string' ? jobInfoOrHash : jobInfoOrHash.hash,
self = this;
this.logger.debug('cancel', hash);
this.sendHttpRequestWithData('POST', this.executorUrl + 'cancel/' + hash, {secret: secret},
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
self.logger.debug('cancel - result', response);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ExecutorClient.prototype.updateJob = function (jobInfo, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
this.logger.debug('updateJob', {metadata: jobInfo});
this.sendHttpRequestWithData('POST', this.executorUrl + 'update/' + jobInfo.hash, jobInfo,
function (err, response) {
if (err) {
self.logger.debug('updateJob - result', response);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Retrieves the current state of the job in form of a {@link JobInfo}
* @param {string} hash - unique id for the job (e.g. the hash of the artifact containing the executor_config.json).
* @param {function} [callback] - if provided no promise will be returned.
* @return {external:Promise} On success the promise will be resolved with {@link JobInfo} <b>jobInfo</b>.<br>
* On error the promise will be rejected with {@link Error} <b>error</b>.
ExecutorClient.prototype.getInfo = function (hash, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
this.logger.debug('getInfo', hash);
this.sendHttpRequest('GET', this.getInfoURL(hash), function (err, response) {
if (err) {
self.logger.debug('getInfo - result', response);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ExecutorClient.prototype.getAllInfo = function (callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
this.sendHttpRequest('GET', this.executorUrl, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
self.logger.debug('getAllInfo - result', response);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ExecutorClient.prototype.getInfoByStatus = function (status, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
this.logger.debug('getInfoByStatus', status);
this.sendHttpRequest('GET', this.executorUrl + '?status=' + status, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
self.logger.debug('getInfoByStatus - result', response);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ExecutorClient.prototype.getWorkersInfo = function (callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
self = this;
this.sendHttpRequest('GET', this.executorUrl + 'worker', function (err, response) {
if (err) {
self.logger.debug('getWorkersInfo - result', response);
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
* Retrieves the output associated with jobHash, to limit the output pass start and/or end.
* The outputs are identified by 0, 1, 2, ...
* @param {string} hash - hash of job related to output.
* @param {number} [start] - number/id of the output segment to start from (inclusive).
* @param {number} [end] - number/id of segment to end at (exclusive).
* @param {function} [callback] - if provided no promise will be returned.
* @return {external:Promise} On success the promise will be resolved with {@link OutputInfo} <b>result</b>.<br>
* On error the promise will be rejected with {@link Error} <b>error</b>.
ExecutorClient.prototype.getOutput = function (hash, start, end, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
url = this.executorUrl + 'output/' + hash,
query = '';
if (typeof start === 'number') {
query += '?start=' + start;
if (typeof end === 'number') {
if (query) {
query += '&end=' + end;
} else {
query += '?end=' + end;
url += query;
this.logger.debug('getOutput, url=', url);
this.sendHttpRequest('GET', url, function (err, response) {
if (err) {
} else {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
ExecutorClient.prototype.sendOutput = function (outputInfo, callback) {
var deferred = Q.defer(),
url = this.executorUrl + 'output/' + outputInfo.hash;
this.logger.debug('sendOutput', outputInfo._id);
this.sendHttpRequestWithData('POST', url, outputInfo, function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
return deferred.promise.nodeify(callback);
//<editor-fold desc="Helper methods">
ExecutorClient.prototype.getInfoURL = function (hash) {
return this.origin + this.getRelativeInfoURL(hash);
ExecutorClient.prototype.getRelativeInfoURL = function (hash) {
var metadataBase = this.relativeUrl + 'info';
if (hash) {
return metadataBase + '/' + hash;
} else {
return metadataBase;
ExecutorClient.prototype.getCreateURL = function (hash) {
return this.origin + this.getRelativeCreateURL(hash);
ExecutorClient.prototype.getRelativeCreateURL = function (hash) {
var metadataBase = this.relativeUrl + 'create';
if (hash) {
return metadataBase + '/' + hash;
} else {
return metadataBase;
ExecutorClient.prototype.sendHttpRequest = function (method, url, callback) {
return this.sendHttpRequestWithData(method, url, null, callback);
ExecutorClient.prototype.sendHttpRequestWithData = function (method, url, data, callback) {
var req = new superagent.Request(method, url);
if (this.executorNonce) {
req.set('x-executor-nonce', this.executorNonce);
if (this.apiToken) {
req.set('x-api-token', this.apiToken);
if (this.webgmeToken) {
req.set('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + this.webgmeToken);
if (data) {
req.end(function (err, res) {
if (err) {
if (res.status > 399) {
callback(res.status, res.text);
} else {
callback(null, res.text);
ExecutorClient.prototype._ensureAuthenticated = function (options, callback) {
//this function enables the session of the client to be authenticated
//TODO currently this user does not have a session, so it has to upgrade the options always!!!
// if (options.headers) {
// options.headers.webgmeclientsession = this._clientSession;
// } else {
// options.headers = {
// 'webgmeclientsession': this._clientSession
// }
// }
callback(null, options);
return ExecutorClient;